Is AI making us dumb?
Is our emerging reliance on AI a help, or a hindrance? Retrospecting the past mistakes of companies slow to react to technological and cultural innovation. Just one perspective of the future, and how we cope

A cosmic perspective
It might seem a little other worldly, but there are many insights that can be taken and applied to everyday businesses and innovation which are derived from the new frontier of space exploration

Brady Bunch or Family Feud Australia?
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, our federated states have not exactly been a picture of unity. However, we have also seen an increase in empathy, and our ‘interstate tribes’ are an important source of identity and belonging. These have important implications for businesses, and consumer trends

A Little Controversy – Pentecostalism and Consumerism
Pentecostalism is the fastest growing religious domination in the world. With over 300 million devotees throughout the US, South America, Africa and some parts of Asia. And when combined with Charismatic Christians, this number rises to well over 500 million believers. We believe big cultural narratives have an impact on our attitudes and beliefs and subsequently our consumer behaviour. How can your brand help people realize their inspirational self and develop your own tribe?

International Women’s Day is important, but we need more than lip-service from brands
With International Women’s day being celebrated on the 8th of March, we felt it important to pay homage to feminism and how far it has come. But in keeping with our ethos, we are going to display bravery and cut through the lip-service that too often occurs with brands.

Is artificial intelligence a move to transactional brands?
Confined to our homes, many of us have found ourselves staring out our windows vacantly, trying to grapple with the torrent of challenges 2020 has unleashed. The security and predictability of life has been disrupted, and naturally we begin to contemplate how we can move forward when the path before us is so unknown.

Conspiracy theories flourish in times of crisis
Conspiracies fly in the face of facts and reason. But while we can ignore these fringe theories as ‘quack’, there is value in taking note on why they surface and spread.

Glimmers of hope: A silver lining in dark times
Whilst not undermining the sorrow and severity of the pandemic, there are silver linings to be found.
We look to the potential positive behavioural outcomes that can come from this adversity and take a moment of pause from the constant news reel of negativity.

Stoicism is one of the many narratives emerging
Confined to our homes, many of us have found ourselves staring out our windows vacantly, trying to grapple with the torrent of challenges 2020 has unleashed. The security and predictability of life has been disrupted, and naturally we begin to contemplate how we can move forward when the path before us is so unknown.

Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, but can also bring pain and death; thus, its symbolic meaning varies wildly, depending upon the context of its use. But what we are seeing after the most horrendous time in Australian history is a retreat to fire to provide us comfort in times of uncertainty and anxiety.

Covid-19 leads to an emerging new consumerism doctrine
Covid-19 has disrupted the norm and upended our daily lives. Our sense of security has unsurprisingly been shaken and as a result has forced us to realize our vulnerabilities and focus on our own mortality. This collective awareness of memento mori has inspired a newfound urgency to live a life that reflects our new values and what matters to be human.

Reform Rituals
The fundamental ways in how we engage with one another have been impacted, and as a result, so too have our customs and rituals. Rather than losing our rituals, we have reformed them to fit into the new normal.